These sections have been designed to help answer questionsthat you may have regarding Login, Register and Reset Passwordfor Pension Planet Interactive.
If you have questions about pension and Irish Life productsplease visit our website
- Whatare the minimum requirements for running Pension PlanetInteractive on my computer?
The secure site can be used with most modern desktopbrowsers, including:
InternetExplorer (Versions 10 and 11)
Google Chrome
The recommended minimum screen resolution for the bestbrowsing experience is 1024x768.
- Howdo I commence registration?
Please ensure that you have your mobile availableto you as you register and your email account is open, asverification codes will be sent by text or email. Also, theprocess is designed to be completed quickly and in a singlesitting, if you break away from registration process you willneed to recommence.
You can register by entering your mobile number and Date ofBirth on the Registrationpage.
If we can identify you from these pieces ofinformation, you should be able to commence registration.
If we can't identify you from these pieces ofinformation, we will ask you for your email address and Dateof Birth.
Again if we can identify you from these pieces ofinformation, you should be able to commence registration.
See AlsoPension Planet Interactive - Whatto do if you choose to "Sign in with Google"
To use "Sign in with Google", you will need to havecreated a Google Account and to be signed into this account.
You will need to allow Irish Life Corporate Businessaccess to some of your Google Account information.
You will then be able to log in by entering your mobilenumber and Date of Birth on the page.
If we can identify you from these pieces ofinformation, you should be able to continue through theprocess.
- Ihave entered Date of Birth, Email and/or mobile number but Iam not recognised. What do I do?
You need to contact us directly through email at remember to have your member/policy number availableso we can confirm your details and help you as quickly aspossible.
- Ihave entered Date of Birth, Email and/or mobile number but thedetails are already in use. What do I do?
If you have already registered for Pension PlanetInteractive, you can't register again. You should use yourexisting email and password to login.
- Howdo I login?
Once you are registered, you can log in for PensionPlanet Interactive using the email address you have chosen touse and the password you have selected.
- Whathappens if I forget my password?
If you forget your password and you try to log on youwill be shown an invalid log on screen. Please use the link'Forgot Password?'. This link will bring you to a screenwhere you must enter your Email Address and Date of Birth.
You will be presented with a screen that will ask for averification code, this code will have been sent to yourmobile as a text message (SMS) when you have entered youremail address and date of birth.
Upon updating the verification code, you will then bepresented with a screen that will ask you to update your newpassword twice.
Once you have done this you will be presented withmember landing page for Pension Planet Interactive.
- Howdo I get my password reset?
If you have entered an incorrect password more than 3times, your access to your account will be locked.
You will be directed to "ForgotPassword" process to reset it.
You will also receive a notification of a failedattempt to log in by email or SMS.
- Ican't login. I have previously registered and the passwordreset is not working. Why is this?
If you have not logged on within the past 12 months youraccount will be locked out and you will be required to reregister.
If you are still unable to login after reregistering youshould contact us directly through email at
- Howdo I ensure that my Pension Planet Interactive password issecure?
Pension Planet Interactive enforces password standardsto ensure that user's passwords are secure. Any time youchange or reset your password, Pension Planet Interactivewill show you a visual password strength meter to indicatehow secure your password is.
Insecure passwords are indicated by a red bar on themeter. Partially secure passwords are indicated with an amberbar, with secure passwords illustrated by a green bar.
When you are choosing your password, remember thefollowing guidelines to help you create a very securepassword:
Ensure thatyour password is at least 8 characters in length
Use a mix ofupper case and lower case characters
Have a mix ofboth numbers and letters
Use symbolssuch as @, *, + etc.
Repeat thesame character in your password eg: 'aaaa' or 'ababab'
Use sequentialcharacters in your password such as '1234' or 'abcd' or'1111'
The most secure passwords will contain 3 or 4 of eachof the following items:
NOTE: If Pension Planet Interactive deemsyour password insecure, it will not permit you to use it.
- Iwas expecting an email from Pension Planet Interactive, buthave not received it. Why is this?
Pension Planet Interactive sends automatic emailmessages to users for a variety of reasons. For example, aspart of the registration process user can receive email whichwill include a verification code.
If you do not receive such an email, this can often bebecause your email program (e.g.: Outlook) has incorrectlycategorised the email as 'spam' or 'junk' mail. To verifythis, examine the contents of your spam or junk folder to seeif it contains email messages that should not be categorisedas such.
In Microsoft Outlook, this folder is often called the"Junk E-mail" folder. If you find that a legitimate emailmessage has been added to this folder, simply right click onthe email message and choose the "Junk E-mail" option. Thiswill then give you several sub-options. Select the "Addsender to safe senders list" option. This will ensure thatfurther emails from that address are not incorrectlycategorised as spam or junk.
For instructions relating to other email programs,please contact your local support function or the emailprogram vendor.
- Cananyone else view my records? How safe is my data on PensionPlanet Interactive?
Security on Pension Planet Interactive is taken veryseriously. All of your data is secure and can only beaccessed by using your Username and Password. You shouldnever share your login details with anyone (including IrishLife staff). You should always store your password details ina safe place.
IrishLife will never send letters or emails requesting your PensionPlanet Interactive login details!