The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

JVn I 1 11 11 1 iii Th. waiter Ha lW1 3P JlPWrTIVTl HPTTMrTiT1 the latest news I 1 1 1' VOL. Xo. 240. SAYRE, MOXD'AY, JANUARY 12, IfllO.

PRICE TWO CEOTi i'l'i fe.TTTK. ESS--) rm xctn. ki k-j stays, ir-ro i9n ewwv wtt-bv tetv re-, rasa ioti rfs. liggBw mi fwww-i b'hik gpwq iw i rt 1 AMERICAN DRAFT 21 FEB I COBGBESS PUNS ram wnw V. I mm i nn BM ft m.

mm i mm JsS I fflJ 0 wi glT lation embracing a wide array of sub-1 vj 1 fill III El ft I SIS BSSllinJITn Mexican Government Said To uk? Town of Chilchotla, Mexico, Jects tll attonuon of con- ALfJ IJfl I Be Planning Bolshevik Wiped Out Foflawing Sis 1H 0 iH Regane IT i 'Quake. in the senate the water power develop i $hXim Lrfflj Wl ill. WhlllUUillllU K8 rVv'' 1 ment bill has the right of way begin-j WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 New legis lation embracing a wide array of subjects will engage the attention of congress this week. Nearly a score of committees will hold meetings while in the senate the water power develop ment bill has the right of way beginning PEOPLE ARE TERRIFIED mnS tomorrow ana the nouse will take 1 tomorrow and the house will take Now Predicted That Democrats and Republicans Wi3 Gel Together Before Democrats Met Thursday to Elect Leader to Succeed the Late Senator Martin-Hitchco*ck ins A Investigators Learn Facts of Alarming' Plot Hearings This Week SAN ANTONIO, Jan.

12 Jn- formation regarded by government agents as evidence that Carranza gov Says Situation Is "Progressing Favorably." -u-w 42 -rr iltf ernment officials are countenancing a Wisconsin, Milwaukee district, was, loss of 2500 persons in killed and in-plan to establish a Bolshevik reginiG again, on Saturday, refused his seat I jured by the collapse of mountains fol in Mexico and mat tne radical pro gram is supported largely by permission to state his case to thelcordmg to official reports reecived at I 7 I can army draft evaders will be given to the senate sub-committee investiga ting Mexican affairs at hearings here this week. Not all the testimony offered will be unfavorable to the present Mexican administration. Supporters of the Carranza government lfave placed before the committee the names or many, who, they assert, will be able to counter at least some of the state ments of special investigators, refugees and ordinary observers. 30,000 Fled to Mexico. Assertions that Americans who fled up the poslofflce appropriation bill.

The deficiency, diplomatic and navy pay increase measures are to follow the postofflce bill in the house. One of the outstanding events of the week in the senate will be the cau cus Thursday of Democratic senators to elect a minority leader to succeed the late Senator Martin of Virginia A close race between Senator Hitchco*ck of Nebraska, administration leader in the trealy controversy, and Senator Underwood of Alabama, is in prospect. Consideration of Secretary Glass' re quest for $150,000,000 additional credit loans for European food relief will be started tomorrow the house ways and means committer, which will hear Herbert Hoover on the food situation abroad. Investigation of Radicals Plana for its investigation of Russian radical propoganda will be made tomorrow by the senate foreign rela tions sub-committee. Lurwig C.

A. K. Martens, Soviet "ambassador," and his secretary, Santerl Nuorteva, have been subpoenaed to testify later, probably Tuesday. Army legislation will be considered tomorrow by both isenate and house military committees, the former taking up the sub-committee bill propos, 'ng nn army of 275,000 men, and universal military training. The house committee is understood to be about evenly divided on the question of reporting a bill, including the military training provision.

The anti-seditien bill passed Satur day by the senate will be transmitted to the house and the house judiciary committee plans prompt action on fin- ai legislation. Proposals of Senator Kenyon, Re- oublican, Iowa, and Kendrick, Demo-j I WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 Victor L. Berger, twice elected as member of the house of representatives from ty a vole of the house. He was refus Souse, WASHINGTON, Jan.

12-Supreme Court Justice White today announced (Kn Kill KT 1 "'o ew Jersey itciau in niiPT IU VVUI UUilll kliiU 'AS LAOQR CHIEF! i I to Mexico to escape the draft are impli WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 Labor cated In the plan to bring Mexico un leaders here today were somewhat pur der the rule of the radicals are based turbed at public reports that there is on statements published in the official a movement under way to oust Samuel organ of the Communist party in Mex'Gompers as president of the A. F. L. ico American government records They declared the reports were simply and reports of special agents tend to 1 propaganda and that Gompers has al support the statements.

According to wayg lad his enemies in the federation the Mexican published boast, thirty that evidently they are getting: thousand Americans escaped service busy again. i in the army by flight to Mexico. Most) well informed labor leaders of them have returned to the United admitteding there are differences of' States, but many remain, and the opinion between Gompers and Warren names of a few have appeared in the stone of the railroad brotherhood, literature of the Communist and I. W. said that there was more chance of a W.

organizations as actively engaged secession from the federation than of in futhering the cause of radicalism, ousting Gompers. They declared that Documents which will be placed be-'SOme of Gompers' enemies might at-fore the committe include the organ tempt to follow the leadership of izat'on of the Communist party of stone but that this was unlikely. Mexioo. C. F.

Tabler, its treasurer, Gompers was not at his office during Linn A. E. Gale, Magdalena E. Gale, the morning, his wife, and J. C.

Parker, mem; N. who is editor of the official or- PLEA OF LIQUOR MEM GPQvFR C. BERGDOLL NSW YORK rover CleYe Bergdoll, wealthy son of a former Philadelphia charged with evading the draft law, was placed in solitary conJ fiaement on Governor's Island following his arrest at his home Itf Measure to Correct Silver Sit uation now Under Discussion AMENDS PITMAN ACT nr aii i o-i Would Mek All Standard SlI ver Dollars and Sell The Bullion Tue pitman act authorizes Secretary Glass to melt or break up 300,000,000 standard silver dollars, sell the bullion 1 and renurchase a like amount of hul lion at $1 an ounce. Renresentative McFadden's bill the purchase clause. uointed out that the rise of anJ veT prices driving tae gilver dollar out of cjrcuiation through the demand thH in the sen i Ti.m kih i ULU VII UIO I 1UURI1 Will 11.

BOO OUU 11 hnt vpp nnnM np nrnnncpd at n. nror -m man act requires the government to repmhRM like amount of Bllver at an ounce- l3 my purpoge to re. clause ot the Pitmal) said McF8ddon. I MRS. WARREN SENTENCED -Mrs.

Marie War mineOLA Jan. 12 ren of Indianapolis was sentenced to than twenty years nor more lifft fhfi AubUrn state nrison bv Justic0 stephen Calligan here today ft sne had pleaded guilty to the murder of Mrs. Clara Branch on Nov. 2Sth last. Mrs.

Warren pleaded guilty .1 cnarge or niuraer iu uw aecuuu i dpgreer WMUf era. Wyoming mr leuera regulation WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 Efforts to were pledged not to reveal the deflnitb of the meat industry, will be taken COTrect the silver situation were start program arrived at until it was pre-up at an executive session tomorrow ed todaj, when the houge banklng and sonted t0 the Republicaxi side, fthe senate agriculture committee, committee began hearings on The "definite conclusions" were with prospects of early report of blll lntroduced by Representative reached was stated by Senator Hitch '7 widen ot canton, Pennsylvania, co*ck and others who were present, packers, stock yards and allied Indus- the Pitman silver act of 1918 The situation was described as "pro tnea- land reducing the standard of our sub gressing favorably" by Hitchco*ck. War Decoration Scandal sidiary coin from 00 to 80 per cent. I Senator Owens said today he felt Reign of Terror Causes Many to Abandon Homes in State of Vera Cruz -MEXICO CITY, Jan.

12 The town of Chilcotla in the state of Pueblo has been nearly wiped out with the lowing tresh earthquake shocks, ac- the ministry of the interior today. The town was located at the foot of Mt. Peco and was surrounded by smaller mountains. Scores of families were buried alive and soldiers were work ing desperately today to rescue them from slow and horrible deaths. The activity of Mt.

San Merguis in Vera Cruz died down on Sunday. Twy I more severe earthquake shocks were felt in the Cisautlan district nearby. General Candigo Aguilar had order ed government troops into the district formerly controlled by rebels to distrib uto relief among the people suffering from the volcano eruptions. A reign of terror exists throughout the si eater part of the state of Vera Cruz as a result of the continued shocks. Considerable damage has been done at Vera Cruz.

of the cities in the earthquake zone- are de serled with refugees camping out in th field. strange phenonema by which the waters of the Mexican gulf have turned black is reported from the Vera Cruz coast. FERENCE PLANS NDUSTRIAL UNREST WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 President Wilson's industrial conference reconvened todp.y tc tnlie up its work of pro viding a means for the settlement of industrial unrest. The tentative program of the con- ference for regional boards of arbitra 'm! 7 tr'ni rtitl rtnr Ll tion similar to the board created for mo uao kc1i i in lov rJono ence to oppose the proposed board ami to make suggestions for changes.

Gom rafo an.l lilt, fillrtwrtre wan! onnw flof- inite assurance that proposed board will have power over capital as well as labor. A number of manufacturers and industrial leaders are also expected to apptar before the conference. GERMAN PRESS PESSIMISTIC BERLIN, Jan. 12 The German press today took a pessimistic view of Germany under the peace treaty, the terms ot wbicb became etiective batur diy- The Junker newspapers are dying hard and the leader of thi ssection of the press the Taeglifche Rundschau says that "the aim now must be a re moral of this work of peace." tions between Germany and Great Britain have been drawing closer fori f6 weoks I mat mere are iduu nriusa uusmess men in Germany. having enterea through the occupied area, Refations with France BERLIN.

Jan. 12 Diplomatic rela- tions between Germany and France will be formally opened tomorrow! when the French Charge d'Affairs wih arrive from Pari3. It is understood i lhat is M. DeMarcilly and that he will be supplanted by a regularly ac- credited ambassador within a few months. M.

or M. Locheur are mentioned as the first French am- bassador. I Procedure in the investigation of War decoration3 wiu be outlined ty the senate naval 8 i committee, heaaea by senator rtaie, Republican, Maine, with early ings planned despite refusal of ear' tne gan of the Communist party, is one of the three who has been appointed as1 delegates to the third international at Moscow. t. (i I.

l. 1:4 ultation In a last frenzied effort jach a compromise, but other faction re Just as desperately attempting to lock the settlement In order ot forc ie treaty and the league Into th ght for the presidency just beginning. For the moment interest is center on the Democratic group which, a ording to some sources, has arrived it the point of view of William J. Iryan who urges ratification at any rice rather than to make the treaty; he paramount issue in the campaign. ome 30 senators are represented a ieing among the Bryanists, but frora ne non partisan point of the gallery thi3 WDuld be a gross exaggeration.

V'hile reports are in circulation that hese Democrats, among them belns Iitchco*ck, Owen, Pomerene, Kend-lcks and others have become Bryan The truth rather seems to ie that these senators are merely nore anxious to reach a compromise the Lodge reservation and thus sa ure ratification. Senator Hitchco*ck today denied ha lad gone over to Bryan as rumored nd declared he was seeking some way mt of the deadlock which would nol ill the treaty and believed such a would be found. IFE ABLE ID FEED PIJIIM0 liUUILII ULMlmO WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 Except foU comparatively small area Europe ihould feed herself this year, Herbert loover told the house ways and neans committee today. Hoover expressed himself as emphatically again-it the United States footing the bill political conditions in Central Eu ope caused by the peace terms.

"If any country over there wants to maintain such conditions they should lor them, not the United Stateei said. Hoover referred particularly to Austria. The terms of the sUDrema coim -1 Dam- "-iuauy. Ai, IlltlUtJ iUbLll ia a potential beggar. political conditions in Austria lmL tZ LT JVtFZ "S' JJ pj lsI(t 'me at i tlme he sald- Hoover recommended that the sraitt corporation and the treasury had the best agencies for extending any aid to Austria that might be decided upon.

Germany would need proba- the German situation ha or mlII1n tons of food. fan(c" fod "upp" the reparaUon, commiwion" Although Austria represent! the worst problem in Europe, Hoover said that Poland is most appealing. He told of the small army of polish troop wiilrh are holding a long line against Bolsheviks with a starring country behind them. If Poland collapse be said, "the financial stability of the whole of Europe will be directly menaced." Hoover declared that England can take care of herself but that Franca Italy present more serious preb- lenis. Belgium he said, has made a remarkable recovery, but may neat hv.p.

Their people are "working up tlie last minute be said. CALL LEAGUE MEETING. AbhINGTON, Jan. 12 President Wilson today Issued the call for th meeting of the league of nations, was learned at the state department, date is said to be January IS and place Paris. WASHINGTON, Jan.

12 Therr were more promising indications to day of a compromise aiding to earl; ratification of the peace treaty than any time since President Wilsoi brought the document from Versailles A caucus of Democratic senator: held at the residence of Senator Owei of Oklahoma last night was regardei as having paved the way to an agrei ment with Republican senators ben on ratification. A definite program of Deroocrati concessions based on the Lodge rese vations was worked out which will be submitted to Senator Lodge of achusetts, the Republican leader anr to the "mild reservationists" on the Republican side today. A conference between leading Republicans and Dem ocratic senators who desire ratifica tion with substantially the Lodge res ervation was scheduled today which may lead to both sides getting together before the Democratic conference Thursday at which a minority leao er is to be chosen to sucoeed the late Senator Martin of Virginia. One purpose of last night's Demti craiic caucus was to eliminate th treaty fron-. Thursday's conference 11 possible.

It was considered significant that both Senators Hitchco*ck and Under (wood was active participants in last iiiht's caucus into which about 2t leading Democratic senators were call ed. All of those who took part in ii confident a compromise was being worked out which would lead to early ratification and eliminate the treaty from politics. It was understood certain modifica- tions in the phraseology of several of the Lodge reservations, which the Dem ocratic senators agreed upon had prev iiously been approved by the Republi can "mild reservationists." The chief 1. stumbling block, it was said, was the much disputed article ten of the lea- gue of nations covenant. The conference was considered as nh.n.

r.rat ih. i.liiiwj.o mat i. Divp jj I 1 ccrais 10 rpacn an unaeraianumc wnn anntn wmt.t result in ratification within the next week or ten days. Both Democratic and Republican senators declare them t0 be encouraged by the latest developments in the situation. Next 48 Hours Will Tell i WASHINGTON, Jan.

12 The next IS hours will develop a final show- down in a situation unparalleled in po uticai annals. The deadock in the sen ate will be broken and the treaty tut definitely on the road to ratification or the dispute will be projected into political campaign for the people themselves 4o settle. -T. i i. I.

ti t. i luuaj1 iuw viti'itui litfimuiicans and Democrats early began their con-' Will the investigation be confined to central competitive field only? WiU the award bo final and consti- tuting a new wage contract? WlU tiie commission provide a way to enforce the decis'on? Will the commission investigate and i consider the "step off" system? Will the commission fix a basic principle by taking evidence relative towages? W'iil the of the commission son wages be retroactive? 1 I he ae the and to first it The the house committee to join in the inquiry. the pitman act by requiring Hearings expected to last a week onthat aU Btandar(j siVer dollars shall the proposed budget system will be bfl alolted and 8od a3 buIion and re. rawuH wm.uu, ui um u.Mcau has get for(h Rnd t0 provide a according to government agents. act and the constitutional amendment for hearings on the ques-Appeal to Communis 1 and seeiing to prevent enforcement of industrial An "appeal" to Communists in other he law would ot be received by the Gompers, presiQent 0f the A.

countries, recently published in Mexi Supreme Court. The court has no jurF and are ex co by the Communist party and which isdiction, said the chief jusfico and a1 in nnnpnr hpfnrB contains the following: "The worst bandits in the world .1. 1 houA been trying for many months to start! MILWAUKEE, Jan. 12 The war between the United States and sale of the Milwaukee baseball club of Mexico. i'-he American association to a syndi- "These bandits, these brigands, cafe of local business men was.

an in such a manner. MM UAlllcr miio crt ncunced today by the owners Ucwland and Hugh Brennan. The new uufcate, which will operate the club is composed of Joseph Bryan, now seu retary of the New York Giants, Otto; Brrchert, a local boxing promoter, H. Park former owner of the Daily Nov. and F.

W. Kinsella, a con ti actor. The sale price was Piece woikers in Chicago clothing factories are earning as hi'sh as $135 perweok. i started tomorrow Dy tne senate duu- get committee, with Dr. Nicholas Mur ray Butler, a champion of the budget plan, first to be heard.

Further witnesses are to appear morrow before counsel of the senate vAlatlrtna cnh.nrtnim ittoo nn. ductinor the investigation of Mexican affairs- I A start toward investigating the Ford-Newberry senatorial election contest from Michigan will be made next Thursday by the senate elections committee with a recount of the bal 101s as a proDaoie nrsi step. Conferences will be continued on, the railroad reorganization legislation ana on, coal, gas ana pnospnate 'ana leasing mil lne ranroaa conrer ees hope to reach during the week the principal controversies in the Cummins and Escho bills, including anti-strike provisions. TO RESIST BOLSHEVIK OFFER LONDON, Jan. 12 Poland is prepar ing to reject the Bolshevik peace of-: and to concentrate her strength to meet the expected offensive of the So viet army in the spring, according to a Central News dispatch from Copen hagen today, quoting advices from Cracow.

MORE LENINE DEMANDS LONDON. Jan 12 Premier Lenine of Russia has sent a manifesto to iKiev demanding that the Ukranians form a new Soviet government either indepedent in itself or subsidiary to Moscow. i Martens Hearing Postponed WASHINGTON. Jan. 12 The hear- ing of L.

C. A. K. Martens before the senate sub-committee investigating X'is hevisin will not be held until Wed nesla? or later, counsel for Martens f.i ldtoday after asking for postpone-: irient of the hearing. $1 fo ous lhe these criminals are outlaws undeserv ing of any human consideration.

They have armies and navies, cannon, trains horses, gold unlimited. They own and control governments, kings, presidents congresses, churches and colleges. Thev would have thousands or tens or thousands slaughtered so that they can own Mexico and her riches, crush the tendencies toward Bolshevism! here, wipe out the taxes on their oil! and their mies ad punish the Mexl can people for refusing to participate in tne late war. me scuuereu auu occasional bandit tribes in the isolat ed mountain and desert parts of Mex; ico now and then rob somebody, and in rare instances commit murder, but their crimes much as we deplore I them do not cause one millionth part of the suffering that another war would cause. n-o annpul tn von our comrades in other lands, to help prevent this crime that the imperialistic Caligulas tt tn biiu iro sr fill A ucviaiauui, ui 11 can.

If you cannot prevent the declar ation. prevent the consummation. Re- GERMANY AID GREAT BRITAIN 111 1L0II RELATIONS COAL OPERATORS DECLINE TO ACCEPT ARTi-IITf BF MiluOllli. LONDON, Jan. 12 Lord Kilmarnock Great Britain's diplomatic envoy to Germany, left for Berlin today.

He wiii De tne nrst urmsn envoy ine Gorman capital since August 1914 waen Lngiana entered tne war. tie was formerly secretary to the British Plans for the resumntion of dinlo- matic relations between this country and Germany were rushed to comoie- tion immediately after the treaty be- came effective Saturday. The German charge d'affalrs to Eng land will be given possession of the old German embassy and Its record! to his arrival. Commercial rela-. fuse to fight Get others to do the.e:nDasr 81 10KI- WASHINGTON.

Jan. 12 Bitumin-1 coal operators representing all of d-stricts of the country declined to 1 of Ue coal commission to inquire Into wages and to fix prices at the in itial session of the commission today, The operators asked ten questions on1 which answers are desired from the commission. Among the ten questions propound-' by the operators were: same. Without workers to do the masters' vile bidding, without soldiers obey the brutal orders, there can be no war Act now. Agitate, write, speak, publish and strike." Ask Negroes to Revolt Another article captioned "The Ne- Continued on page i..

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.