The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE EVENING TIM'ZS, SAYRE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1937 PAGE SIX EPWDRTH LEAGUE TO GOfflTil Rev. Darling Is Hopeful Of End Of All Conflict Ithaca Painter Given 10 to 20 Years At Attica 0IG0E1 IS III 1 HOSPITAL AS RESULT fa s' 1 ii ii it ti ii HEIGHTS DEFEATS 37-0, TIES WAVERLY, Nov. 12 Painted Post and Elmira Heights held top position in the Central Inter-scholastic Football League today with five wins apiece by virtue of the Heights defeat of Owego yesterday 37-0. Watkins Glen and Horseheads stepped out of the consecutive loss column by winning from Waverly and Ovid respectively, both by 6-0 scores. Painted Post was idle, resting for the kill next Saturday, Nov.

20, when they meet the Heights for what turns out to be the championship. Painted Post has won its last 14 games, has taken the league title for the past two seasons, and is riding high at the moment. The Elmira Heights' most impressive victory over what was supposed to be a pretty good Owego team, however, will give them pause. The standings: Won Lost Tied Pts Elmira Heights Painted Post Watkins Glen Horseheads 10 10 4 3 1 1 Waverly 0 Ovid 0 OWEGO POSTERS LEAD IT WAVERLY, Nov. 12 Tioga County Firemen's association met at Newark Valley last night in the last meeting of the year.

The next session will be held in Waverly in April. Feature of the program was a demonstration of the "fog nozzle," which is used to combat oil and gasoline fires. A musical entertainment was provided by the Newark Valley fire department. $25,175 OF SCHOOL TAX IS COLLECTED WAVERLY, Nov. 12 There are only two days left to pay school taxes before the five per cent penalty is added, Catherine Mc-Namara, tax collector announced this morning.

The penalty will be added to all taxes received after Monday, Nov. 15. A total of $25,175.43 has been received up to. noon today, Mrs. McNamara reported.

This is more than half of the total tax to be collected. Saturday Specials Heinz Soups 2 cans 25c Heinz Baby Foods, 3 cans 22c Tall Boy Beans Tall Boy Spaghetti 3 cans 25c Pea Beans Rice 2 lbs. 11c Macaroni lbs. 13c Tomato Paste ..2 cans 13c Premium Flake Crackers 1 lb. pkf.

15c Pure Pork Sausage I lbs. 35c Sunshine Cream Oyster Crackers, I lbs. 35c Cut-Rate Grocery Fulton Street Waverly, N.Y. II; FIREMEN HOLD FINAL MEET ATNEI a 8 i RELIEF COST GOES WAVERLY, Nov. 12 Relief expense and case load increased slightly during the month of October, according to the figures released from the office of Fred Terry, welfare officer of the Town of Barton today.

This increase is in line with the upward trend through the winter months. Total expense for the month was $2,398.51, an increase of $356.68 over the month of September. Of this total the town's share, or actual expense, was The amount of relief eligible to the 40 percent reimbursem*nt by the state was $1,420.16, with $968.06 not eligible to reimbursem*nt. The state's share of relief was $568.06. There were 70 cases open during September.

Sixty-six cases were open at the end of the month compared to 54 at the end of September, with 60 of these receiving relief. Four cases were formally closed during October and 16 added, two of them new cases. The town's share of relief expense was $283.69 above that of September. BANKERS URGED TO BAN 'HITCH-HIKERS' HERSHEY, Nov. 12 (AP) Central Pennsylvania bankers were urged last night to keep business "hitch-hikers" out of the personnel of their banks.

Jesse Wood, vice president of the State Planters Bank and. Trust Company, Richmond, told bankers and bank employes from six counties that "any man in a bank who doesn't make friends for the bank is hitch-hiking." Urging his fellow bankers to "remove the mystery from banking," Frank R. Curda, Chicago, president of the American Institute of Banking, said "We should tell'the people what we are doing, and how we are doing it." mm TREND III WINTER OF CRASH IN TIOGA WAVERLY, Nov. 12 When the car in which he was riding collided with another at an intersection in the Town of Tioga yesterday afternoon, Lloyd Smith, 27, of Owego, sustained lacerations about the head and a brain concussion. He was brought to the Tioga County General hospital where his condition today is fair.

Mr. Smith was riding with his sister, Mrs. Lena Morse of Owego, when she became blinded by the sun and her car collided with one driven by Mrs. Homer Davis of Owego. Mrs.

Morse sustained bruises and a back injury, which were treated by Dr. Harvey D. Klaer of Owego. Phyllis Davis, 10-year-old daughter of Mrs. Davis, sustained a slight cut on her left leg.

Sergeant Henry Mitter of the state police investigated. I.O.O.F. CLUB WILL WAVERLY Nov. 12 Tioga County I. O.

O. F. association will hold its regular monthly meeting at the Odd Fellows hall, Waverly, next Thursday evening, Nov. 18. It will be a ladies' night.

A banquet will be served at 7:30 o'clock, with a speaker and entertainment to be provided. Committee in charge of arrangements is Leon Evans, president of the association; George Jerrels and J. William Merrill. Oscar Wilde wrote one of his works, "Salome," in famous French. MEET HERE NOV Drake Reports Water Company Cannot Be Taxed IC WAVERLY, Nov.

12 Annual convention of Epworth lfa*gue groups of the Binghamton district will be held in the Owego Methodist Episcopal church Saturday, Dec. 4, it was announced by the president, Harold W. VanNest. There are 55 active Epworth' leagues in the district with over 1,400 members, and 2,600 in the young people's department of the Sunday schools, ior a total of 4,000 persons in all groups in the district The address will be given by Dr. Lynn J.

Radclifle of Syracuse in the evening. The program will start at 2 o'clock in the afternoon with a worship service conducted by Miss Dorothy Gibby of Binghamton. Conferences will be held after the worship service by the officers of the district including Mr. Van-Nest, Leslie Oliver of Endicott, Miss Margaret Young of Endicott, Miss Pauline Kreh of Waverly and Wallace Lippy of Binghamton. Following advisors will also assist in these conferences: Rev.

J. R. Pen-nelL superintendent of the Binghamton district; Rev. F. E.

Lott, director of religious education, Miss June Tasker of Vestal, Myron D. Albro of Lounsberry and Rev. Roy Hctchkiss of Moriroeton. Rev. Russell Brown of Elmira will summarize the conference work.

Previous to the address in the evening, officers for the year elected at the afternoon session will be installed by Rev. Pennell. 15 WAVERLY, Nov. 12 Miss Alberta Evelyn Granger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Berton E. Granger of 124 Chemung street and Lloyd Delmys Eddy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Eddy of Main street, Towan-da, were married at 11 o'clock yesterday morning in Christ church, Towanda, by Rev. Davis Johnson.

The double ring ceremony was used. The couple was attended by Miss Jeraldine Farr of Sayre and Earl Krupp of Towanda. The bride was dressed in a rust and brown tweed suit with beaver trim, and brown accessories. Sh wore a corsage of talisman roses and snapdragons. The bridesmaid wore a brown coat with beaver trim and brown accessories.

Her corsage was talisman roses and sweet peas. Following the ceremony a dinner was served at Mystic Hills farm in Sheshequin. The bride's parents observed their 48th wedding anniversary Mrs. Eddy is a graduate of Waverly High school, class of 1933, and has been employed in the office of the Belle Knitting mills in Sayre for the past two years. Mr.

Eddy is a graduate of Towanda High school, class of 1928, and is employed by the Co-bako company at Corning. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Eddy will live in Corning. When bees were first brought to this country, the Indians called them "white men's flies." DOUGHERTY'S HOME BAKERY Waverly St.

Waverly SATURDAY SPECIALS Sliced Cup Cakes 10c doz. Whole Wheat Bread 8c loaf or 2 for 15c Sugared or Plain Fried Cakes 20e dot Cinnamon Bum 15c doz. Layer Cakej 10c ea. AssnrtecJ Cup Cakes 15c doz. Malted Milk Bread 3 for 25c PHONE 37-J 0 H1JRCH ALBERTA GRANGER BRIDE 01 THURSDAY WAVERLY, Nov.

12 Ernest Sneddon of Syracuse, 13-year-old boy soprano who is visiting his aunt, Miss Eleanor L. Sneddon of Chemung street, will present a program at the service in the First Baptist churclrSunday morning at 11 o'clock. The anthem will be "Seek Ye the Lord," with a solo and obbli-gato by Ernest. He will also sing the Bach-Gounod "Ave Maria" and will conclude the service with a solo, "The Kingdom of Love My Shepherd Is," by Spence. He will be accompanied at the piano by Miss Marjorie Moseley.

TEXTILE BILL IS WASHINGTON, Nov. 12 (AP) Representative Kent E. Keller, (D-111), a member of the House labor committee, said today the national textile bill was "a rifle behind the door" if Congress failed to enact the federal wage and hour bill. Keller declared a labor subcommittee of which he Is chairman was prepared to report favorably on the bill, and predicted it would be taken to the House floor if the wage-hour bill were not approved. The textile bill would, regulate hours and wages of textile workers, 'estimated to number It was shelved at the last session.

"Our idea is that the textile industry, which employs more persons than any other single industry, needs regulation badly," Keller said. The textile bill, introduced by Representative Henry Ellenbogen (D-Pa), calls for a 40-hour maximum work week, 40-cent an hour minimum wage, and a minimum weekly wage of $16. ELEANOR JARRETT TO WED BILLY ROSE DENVER, Nov. 12 (UP) Billy Rose, the showman, and Eleanor Holm Jarrett, the swimmer, will be married as soon as Actress Fannie Brice divorces Rose and Mrs. Jarrett divorces Arthur Jarrett, the orchestra leader, Rose announced today.

Rose and Miss Brice, who was one of the original "torch singers" of the vaudeville circuits, have been estranged for several months. So have Miss Holm and her husband. The trouble with both couples, Rose said, was that Miss Brice and Jarrett spent too much time in the spotlights, while he and Miss Holm agreed that a wife's place was in the home. Miss Holm has promised to stay by his side when they are married, he said. El CENTER CUT SUNDAY GUI BEHIND ODOR Alfred Bishop, Arrested on I Statutory Charge, Sentenced by Judge Eaton; Only One Case Left on Calendar OWEGO, Nov.

12 Ten to 20 years in Attica prison was the sentence meted out to Alfred W. Bishop, 28, of Ithaca, who pleaded guilty to a statutory charge before County Judge Edward W. Eaton this morning. Bishop had previously denied guilt, but changed his plea today. Bishop was arrested after a two day search of the Southern Tier following an alleged attack on an eight-year-old Willseyville girl as she was returning from church on Sunday, Aug.

15. She was walking along the road with her small brother when Bishop stopped his car and offered her some chewing gum. He took her in his car and they drove away, leaving the brother who ran home and told his parents. The sheriff, state police and officers of county towns immediately started a search, ending when Bishop was arrested while painting a building at Cornell university. The case represents the ninth that has been concluded by a plea of guilty by the defendant of the ten indictments handed up by the October grand jury.

Ross Mouzon, Straits Corners CCC camper charged with second degree as sault In a stabbing affair at the camp last September, will be tried next Tuesday, the only case on the calendar. 3 WAVERLY, Nov. 12 Loss of three fingers of his right hand was suffered by Lewellyn Meissner, 18 years old of 522 Waverly street, while cutting wood with a buzz saw yesterday afternoon. He was taken to the Tioga County General hospital, where he is under the care of Dr. John B.

Schamel. His condition was reported as good today. ATHENS, Nov. 12 Book review on India comprised the program of the meeting of the Women's Mis sionary society ol the iirst Bap tist church yesterday afternoon. The review was given by Mrs.

William Burns and Mrs. Elizabeth Estabrook of East Athens was the hostess. Armistice Day devotions were conducted by Mrs. A. H.

Ganoung. A short business meeting preceded the program. GIRL SCOUTS WILL SWIM AT ELMIRA WAVERLY, Nov. 12 Girl Scouts of the Carantouan troop of the Waverly First Presbyterian church will go to Elmira Saturday evening to swim in the Y. M.

C. A. pool between 7 and 8 o'clock. They will be accompanied by Mrs. John T.

Slater, Mrs. Harold McEwen and Mrs. Walter Peck. The Pan American Union formerly was known as the International Bureau of the American Re publics, CRISCO 3 lb. can 53c 24V? lb.

bag- oc Center Cut PORK CHOPS 29c lb. 5 FINGERS mil SAW REVIEW ON INDIA GIVEN AT MEETING Pastor of Baptist Church Tells Rotarians That Taking Profit Out of War, An Amendment and Religion Would End War WAVERLY, Nov. 12 Three methods of eliminating war were discussed by Rev. Floyd N. Darling, pastor of the Waverly First Baptist church in speaking before Rotarians yesterday noon at their regular weekly dinner meeting in Jenkins inn.

Taking the profit out of war would help, and en amendment requiring a vote of the people before war could be declared by the United States was another way to curb our participation in another world conflict. Rev. Darling said, however, that hate and suspicion are what war feeds on, and the alternative to that was religion with the international brotherhood which it engenders. He said that we must look to religion for the elimination of war. He cited the failure of all existing machinery to prevent conflicts.

Peace treaties, he said, have failed on notable occasions. They have often been effective in settling disputes, and are an essential part of international affairs, he stated, "bu in times of extreme stress treaties are but scraps of paper." Disarmament will not work, he stated, in the modern world. "The League of Nations can't, or doesj not." But it was necessary to find a way to end wars, the speaker stated, because of the terrible cost involved, and the little advantage, even for the victor. Rev. Darling quoted figures on the cost of the world war, both in.

men and money. He laid the cause of the depression as the frightful fruits of the war. "We do not idealize war any more," he said as an instance of how the temper of the world has changed in regard to the subject since 1918. We honor our soldier heroes, but we no longer idealize them, he said. The three scourges of the world are famine, pestilence and war.

Rev. Darling told of the strides of science in eliminating the terror of the first two, and thought that eventually the last would also be done away with. He closed on a note of hope, and appealed to his listeners to help solve the problem of how to eliminate war. "Nations ought to be fighting for each other," he said, "not against each other." 27c doz. REBECK'S QUALITY MARKET VA BROAD STREET, WAVERLY PHONE 428 FREE DELIVERY SATURDAY SPECIALS Little Lean Fresh Shoulders 19c lb.

Fresh Boneless Ham Rolled wte 27c lb. Round or Sirloin Steak 25c lb. Cut From Top Western Steer Beef Fresh Ground Beef .2 lbs. 33c Pure All Pork Sausage 23c lb. Fresh Spare Ribs or Pigs' Feet 1 0c lb.

Fresh Oysters 47c 25c pt. Pigs' Hearts 2 lbs. 29c Strictly Home Killed Chickens, Not Western. lb. and up Replies to Miss Alice Devlin, Citing Tax Law Which Gives I Municipal Corporations Ex- emption WAVERLY, Nov.

12 Property of a municipal corporation cannot be taxed within the corporation, Mayor J. C. Drake declared following the suggestion of Miss Alice B. Devlin at the school board meeting last Monday night that the Waverly Water board be assessed school taxes on its properly within the school district. Mayor Drake said that the ruling was originally made and confirmed by the Court of Appeals that real property of a village used in connection with a municipal water works is exempt if located within the village.

The ruling is incorporated in the tax law of the state of New York. The right of Chemung county school district to levy taxes on property of the Water Board is a different matter, also covered in the tax law, he stated. Real property of a municipality located outside that municipality is not exempt from taxation. The same question came up many years ago, Mayor Drake stated, and it was decided then that the school district had no right to tax water company pro- perty, inasmuch as the latter was a municipal company and exempt under the law. Miss Devlin had asked that information be obtained from Albany on the question of whether the Water Board could be assessed for property within the school district.

No action was taken by the school board in the matter. (La 16 1 ib. ib. 28c 24c lb. STREET With Purchase of Any of the Following Articles Between Now and Thanksgiving.

Chuck Roast Beef 20 LEG OR RUMP Roast Veal Kelvinator Electric Refrigerator, Gas Range, Oil Range, Heater, Washing Machine, Ironer, Living Room Suite, Studio Couch, Radio or Similar Purchase. COLE'S Corner Chrmunc and Elmira Streets WAVERLY PHONE 203 FREE DELIVERY IN WAVERLY Veal Steak LOIN RIB Pure Cane SUGAR 10 lbs. 51c Veal Chops Porterhouse Steak Ib-25c GROCERY DEPT. HeckerW Piflsbury's Flour l-8th bbl. 88c Pure Lard or Compound 2 lbs.

25c New Crop Pea Beans or Rice 4c lb. National Flour l-8th bbl. 69c Cortland County Potatoes 69c bu. Sweet Florida Oranges 17c doz; 2 for 33c Fla. Seedless Grapefruit 7 for 25c Niagara Milk.

3 cans 20c Rebeck's Special Coffee 18c 2 lbs. 35c White House Coffee 23c lb. Beech-Nut or Maxwell House Coffee 28c ft. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 29c lb. GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Ig.

can 10c WHOLE KERNEL CORN 2 cans 27c PUSS BOOTS CAT FOOD can 6c SKINLESS Frankfurters ft I. G.A. CI BREAD riuur Hamburger 2 29 Finest Print Butter 2 n. 79 No. 1 Hill Grown Potatoes 21c pk.

0) With Every Purchase of $1.00 or more Meat or Groceries 10 ibs. Gran. Sugar 48c Furniture EncSiange "The Home of Happy Thought" OPEN EVENINGS BROAD STREET WAVERLY Tender, Select CHUCK ROAST 21c lb. ls BROAD WAVERLY Selected Eggs.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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