The Teutopolis Press and Dieterich Special Gazette from Teutopolis, Illinois (2025)

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The Teutopolis Press and Dieterich Special Gazettei

Teutopolis, Illinois

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SO8M S1SO ft ft i nwi committee iTS it was Amutfml anj CJ me Nuiie resu lts coMliue'lb lougDt he was guilty suit' a 1 A WHOLESALE AVOKITIS Home VI 4 84c tome turkeys THE MOST GOOD QUA itv PRICES RIGHT A GREAT LINE nerrption tbie district to afpoiLt ammittee of six armed uiti 1 uviguus ua(tieose Our Beaver Overcoats that we are offering from S3 to $7 cannot be beat by anyone The style fit and workmanship are the best WEEKLY MARKET REPORT LIVE STOCK Hens Young chickens Old Roosters Turkey hens urkey Young considering the quality All the new styles in hats See the LAT IRON shape? rieUED A flnu BK MB TWO: ln al lipl well in I Hyh fl faL lb popr' Prepare esprrtally for rr and hi famfi I the world I If every of oedtJty( Bnd llroogfc ihe "Prelal service of tbe 4 I i WEICK VUC yoa will noth I dtMppolDted 1 5 fcltoaV I intereat to women children and the I a on hint and helpful boosebold the TWICE A WEEK RIPUBLIC I Wwt7 wetkllM vf I tb'ick a week BKPVBUC 8 order it at core dlrocY (I tle ure at Bl Louie Mo or through roar local newadealer It only 1 a yes VANOAIIA link KXCCKHIONH Excursions toweat norlhweM uth and aoutb wcat the Brat and third Tues each month JOUX BEAL Ageat TteJenhr nd Optician effinghamilu 303 Jefferson St 25 per bn oi4c per lb 00 per ton 7 50 per ton PKOIllfCK per dozen He tMHind i i jam great family "Ot Strong but mild hwJtMul laxative that cures con I stiption and may be taken br a th 'tkout cU2elvIthfu the liver I cures biliousness It has an In Vlfforat no 8n Bocamio Ae iX aa ine? not work 1regu do ncids the tbetoudMtkMte ldvirdenrcobSXhiSOOd fcMcSsJS dangers which lurk in and kidney troubles and will ew in advanced tal cure Asx your for MCriUM rtf TkswU 1 twa Drr Hiatt 7c per pound 7 3c 13 14c Oc 13 14c fi 8c 7 8d Suits in all the I'new styles and patterns Quite a few double breasted" suits being worn this win ter We have a nice as sortment 'Ye hlve hebe4t and most coni plete line of Black Suits ever shown by anyone Clay Worsted Suits fromS to Siy Black Oranite and Unfin to $15 3j 4jc 3e 3o 2j 3c 4c GBA1N 06 per bushel 38c 40c 28e60c 60c 100 1 I hu Ww A Wide Pop 1Iartt7 Efltabllnhrd for nrarlv regularly bj more than 800 Oto "7 Wt and Soutbweot PUBLIC of Ht Lon In E'AWK RE IBM enviable dltltlo St'Hom Hutni Pa I Is great because it 1 I 'afore Instruct and en all matters of public 1 reader un it will be esneclallr In able Here are Je and rIo botnc rtwafHiu mi snbHcrlbefor it: you should reports Of the great Nat pnr leader ISIlluLlitxlaoiion 1 You will want tn Wtosw I lr held in Lt alXml thc I December I 1004 from Apr)! 30 to 1 1 Ine alleged illegal nllnuranAo money to a member of the board re ferred to by some of the members 1 was the following To Jobu Laatsch: or 2 bridges in Summit 480 50 or 1 bridge in St rancis 390 00 or 2 bridges in Jackson 687 00 or 2 bridges in Mound' 462 00 or 1 bridge in West 312 50 Total 4i9ya2 50 Democrat Variation In the Tests The work of the scientist during the past twenty years has shown that the percentage of butterfat in the milk of an individual cow is a characteristic of the individual and cannot be changed from day to day and week to week As a matter of i liable to sudden changes which cannot always be explained orjexainpie we notice in one of the seven day tests conducted bv the 1 BvM liGDCU xibku(! mrinn tho percentages of fat in the milk varies 18 wil1 'have 10000 particular cow was Weighed and 'BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION CURED BY thedfords BLACK DRAUGHT Your Suits and Overcoats of Us anil i SaVe CIC EUn Street Cincinnati obio A M' iJ d' Ut a' a' A1! rank Biair old Kflirgham resigned his po Auaistant Allnrnev ia vitivsa x7 for Cook County is in Effingham to yjiiiy a short 'visit wiiit his mother a Mrs Wright' before leaving for bi new nome in ios AngelesCal The' health of his daughter "made it necessary for Mr Blair tochange his residence Mr and Mrs Bf1' Wright 'will 'entertain him fOMwkidneytohlgbVS''f Edsrd LeCrone 8ou of the late 7C' 7 A AV LeCrone died at Tams 111 death uot known and hi relative here did not know of his illness a pcruMpg ne the final interrment of the body in Effingham: The debased wasalxiiit thirty years of age I iieadav aftAvnan i 2 "WM iMpntww! I wuna conservator waa armojnted 1 4 ior me wiow of Jaolcsou ooley 'la float ftfSAIsriSAl aknlli to snskstSlk 'V YVVIII Via touiut at IIIUISSJ ago on" his farm near 1 Dieterich Wooley is mentally unable to property left by ner husband knd a conservator was absolutely necessary Taylor appointed Heiiyy lJopk and wife livingsouth rc the parents of twin ft a 4u i rV Wm Rraun and family left Mon day for Hanovei Kan to make future home' 'r Jo'q Montrose who just purchased the nnJener Bpe the liver isW people suffer with constipation biliousncw headaches and feven ColdsattackB hLtT "fl contsgious diseases take hold of the inrtem It la aaM to say that if the liver were always 1 IffP proper werking order illness would be slmost unknown II Black Draught is so successful in curing such sickness I a rival asa I I Democratie ship says the Centralia wuo employs bis summer months in the kindred profession of base ball umpire and when he learned that his election would not make it neces ry for him to resign his school nor give ny his umpiring engage nnt for next summer he wa quiit happy I When CongresHinan elect Dickson was in Centralia attending the meet 1 iug for the distribution of the offices among the Yates faction he is reported to have confided to those who congratulated him that had not expected my majority to be S8 big as it He is also quoted as havintr an Holstein riesien Association the lhat wlleu bis term is fin percentages of fat in the milk varies he jhave 10000 very greatly The milk of this i8 BaarY He has particular cow was Weighed and P0utel bis wife his private secre i tested in the morning at noon and aBd Wit11 JefferBpn sitnpli in the evening for a period of seven prOpO8e8 t0 live lh secre days The first morning the milk lar8 aalary and the mileage tested 46 per cent fat the second i88 our gne88 however if morning 81 per bent the third 37 with the percent the fourth 3 3 per cent him and the fifth 31 per cent the sixth 85 lhc8 notions out of per cent The same variation was head' The Practical Xliticiana noticed in the test of the noon and ustrwt will never let him evening milks Tb cause of this that J0000 They will variation cannot always be ex hn for congress again plained It may be due to be Dr oster in in the temperature to change esue8t bi 0Q0O will' look like milkers or something of this sort Carmel Register It may be due to sudden fright or to some unusual circumstance Which have occurred during the dav night One thing is sure and that pog8 4 10 is that percentage of fat does vary Cattle beef) 2j 3icperlb in 'Ida 8 do for this reason it Iai is not safe to judge a cow by testing Steers lers her milk for a single day or even a IIeifer8 fat single week The only safe foetlers is to take a composite sample of then milk Even cows have their off weeks Wheat or months or years or example Nw corn tention by reason of its unique de lhe at be Minnesota Swelled Corn sign and costly material The bal KxerinePt Station where records OatB Iloon of silk covered rubber was Ve kePf for many years Buckwheat nearly 12 feet nigh and seven feet in Tita VWI BlaCI)C(I a I MVVU looked like a bird cage and the pro eow 206 Red Top Seed jieiiers and motors inside were of the outteriat In 1899 she finest brass and resembled the ma 806 Poun8 and in 1901 370 Bailed hay chiuery of a clock The airship No reason for this varia must have cost over 1000 Itwas 18 'c do not think Eggs too small to support the weight of bat 8Ucb yeaI ly variation a man and was evidently a minih lo but mention I ibumn Hire machine used for making aerial 10 remind Baders that "am tests Ottawa Valley Jour Shoulders It is believed that the airship was Tallow started from the Blue Hill observe Tough On John Wax Joh xiviog amount of and trawliag ma0 ulo'Coutrana III dona I r'13 '6o nano rg lh heigh ok rten he i( Uns his impression aud it is be ago fortune knocked at hi 1 PotatoCB bu Iteved frdm the guages the aero know it pnionv 75o naw cotidnctmg the rxperiments John resides in a in pound peot to gain valuable knowledge Illinois 1 poultry 2000 mile? 7 )l t0 asienn1l bas been the custom ben a Re iu ktt was held i murr 4 Dee 1904" Vi' '7k' nd of his old friends at a six dinner 7 I In better grades our Ker seys and Tlel ton Overennte are superior to all others Our prices are the lowest Complete line of i ww 1 furniture SPECKER (JO I GOOD QUALITY I wholesale Dry Gpods Notions urn Oak Suits Kitchen Cab inets Parlor and Din Tables Side Boards Odd Dressers couches Sofas picture frames Shades Etc A vome in and see our goods before A POEPPELMEYER Substaiitiargift comes from ttlA lAaaaaliw 111 Utl 1 any ining in ourline diable in make and latest' in design As a suggestion' we would mention nice Watches Bings (chains Brooches Scarf rinu Etc Buiney Nuxall inds an Airship I 'hwt Sigel 111 Dec Barney NnX 1 a farmer living two miles 80Uth of here was a mneh amaxed man yesterday afternoon when he spied animrition come floating over his place He 1 was still more surprised when it be Igantodeuend and finally collapsed in the road near his home He ran to the aerial visitor andfound that it was a small airship of a splendid workmanship Inside of the car attached to the balloon he discovered an envelope contain ing a letter which stated that the airship had been sailed from Blue Hill Observatory Rpadville MassDec 1 1904 The finder was di rented to convey the airship to the Dearest express station have it con signed to the observatory aud he would receive a reward for his trou ble Mr Nuxall loaded the airship in his wagon and hauled it to this place It was placed in cliargs of Mr McCormick the American Ex press agent who forwarded it lo Readville The airship attracted lots of at sign and costly material urao pounds ot butterfat xve in diameter The oar attached per yCar for ten 'ear8 In 1898 Timothy Seed A credejitials The committee decided I 4 7" I here Are Only io Days iheTellow took laj 1 Aha was pursued until some unfortunate I Vf XfH landed Jhcn the nomination P' Sora'eiltues violi 4 aV rWMW VMIIIVailfU I Al 4 it ft jj a i wrh aasessment transferred their Propertyfin th middleof the nightw rp I I l7r A Til 1 2ssK'4WE NE NE congressional district metand 'i 'd tbt Jojba should make the! b'S' S' race It was argued that ha wa i 'S' 1 on the road flm vnnxkk nit a I "a 'r i Jintirnfzxs a iue nine ne IJWL MM IK zj A if a wre inHIIHl embarrassed kn jr "'i a sw Tji i I 4 jj fa A 1 W1 wMoeuved that whilemaking the Wto fine Xtne poclict IRnives Itaors (Table Cutlen the letting loose of barrel of elo qnence youu 'mauBged to the nEAUNU 5 lvm NICKEL AND nomination A young lawyer was CM A CICBU7 A nr fl SaZtsd AMELEDWAE allcolors ULL ASSQRT? throat He swore that he would HENT PIPES INE CLOCKS WASHING not spend cent of money or a moment time in the' campaign I MACHINES and WRINGERS a be ij AU tie Above Items uiVajlN ite'ai: a 4 I tUNuruto 1 i hA Qa nf Hia Anr hAULL Hill vu UU1U ftl lilO lilliVrNI rilXHIII HI'IIWQ Sprang into ame On thTcrest of I vmmxmIv A i lUVU TMI Wav t' about the new congressman from would be Pleased to Have you Call district who has sprung into fame on me crest of the wave which sunk the WEBER BROTHERS TEUTOPOI ll0U1 of thi will take nf 1 1 rm lhu piauti i inireaay J'lllll lletMr WkkofAto I 1 o' vwi mu move mnu tDe Ueaiil firm near i Miller will take charge the farm vacated by Mr lletxer 1 near Wheeler hxchanoes' borfi to George 3' 19 vanuv 4OLU Uli fatber is yer9 wfcjJe tjs ft tndlhef 20 years Dieterich' Ga aette Nelson ield and family have i Ac 111 Tllkm TJ U' mim firrs xJ I he blue ribbon iaek tor i been located at Newcastle Ind and child were found dead a well videnly murdered Aman I' i' rr ii sr ohnurdtw and the other part thought Stormy Sraston 4 Supervisors hfaas innou6nttbeys compromised I The last day of December session On a verdict of tman Jf board 'of supervisors I has lieeu in session all the week waa The Iraard bf Dieterich kind of tempest1 a teapot ha 'a A Throughout th hole aiasion of UiC the village against and oar'1 had not been going a Kerschiiimto 'the appellate court smoothly as ordinary sessions and This Is case over the line of a street I on Thursday when petitions' for the village and has been pretty I bridges ami stou arches iu Waston' over in the courts Union and banner township came board for? consideration Caleb Powers former Secretary of niumuon the situation reached a crisis It Slate who bas been under sentence 11 I ath tor murder ot Wn 6W otKeoroot ta trial TH iMnt re vl ho iSiort otwl 1 ot tb ped 1 lODR ne states attorney was Charles Reynolds of VV atson died I asked bis opinion aud gave it which Monday evening of typhoid fever caused the petitions to be defeated 7 they were illegal of Sullivan The action of the board well known farmer was blown' to home of the members to speak rather pieces with dynamite riday while I freely about ether illegal actions biMiiug stumps' Hie remains wereof the board one or more referring takenTo Edgewood for burial t0 the fact that a member of the TJZ board bad large sums i Charge Bribery VBfato Cm of money for building bridge which i et it was claimed by the speakers fa Indianapolis' Ind Dec 11 The i gH 81 oIMta lulinull I JIT6 1 1 BUtd that I that if the board tutended drawing Railroad Company (the Vandalia) is be iineB eloeely as to exclude petbK80 An com ti0o for bridges which were bldly plaint for the accounting and for Ueedea on technicalities it wa high sr? court room 3 Saturday morning Inore closely regarded other vioh renews the effort of former Attorney tj0DB Af hfi i tki no' somewhat before thT'adjourn1 3009000 alleged to be due the Lent of the board and everthing state from the railroad company for assumed its usual aspect and the the use of the common schools adjournment was had in harmony methods by the railroad company to prevent legislation for the regula tlOD uf tollffi ftllfl Tmiewlia La ill move tm Montrose uucr he vtCi tuigui ne provided for is made in the amended complaint' ''It is charged that Milton A Osborn Geo AT Buskirk and John Coff roth of the state legislature of 1869 and James Hughes a member of the I rnttoffab toA4 wymrung ayo wife 0D tbe aeJ lur Bame year Jointly mt IrwpivJ tn nnrt TYYyY oin: iue railroad tlij It is further charged the four the first three constituting a special reilrnnJ onmmiu Lff 1 vvuiuimct: ui me nouse I anv leffialatinn to ccmpeLlhe railroad company to pay the state tbe sum du it under the charter Upon the charge of the use of cor ruption monev the olo tia I 1 ft 5 zL 7 rf rsM l1 It VWVI YMBU II' Ii rLr 1 i JllL i 11 sssaMe i wwm pf' 1 4 LI "1 Li 1 1 'I' Ew EE 9Eu WSBHm i iiA 15 A HI Ls I mV Mwa vnn7 A AKLJfr A' 'zt i 3 ri 5 'Z It 'JlS 0 1 1.

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The Teutopolis Press and Dieterich Special Gazette from Teutopolis, Illinois (2025)


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Views: 5720

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.