Turrican - Amiga Game Review (2024)

kalsolar 2024-03-20
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (1) (10/10)
While many laud the sequel as being a better game, for me this game is the best, and it's largely down to the perfectly judged difficulty curve. With great music, graphics and variety throughout, the whole game is a joy to play from beginning to end.
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FloFlo 2023-08-24
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (2) (10/10)
If there is one game that stands out to me from my time playing on the Amiga, it has to be "Turrican". Loved this so much. I beat it, I had memorized all the secrets, and extra life locations. The music by maestro Chris Hülsbeck is fantastic and kept you going. Nothing but good memories!
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Pocketpocket 2023-06-10
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (3) (8/10)
Took a while for this one to click but I enjoyed it once it did. The camera panning is wonky and the lack of any knockback or i-frames when you take damage is annoying when an enemy manages to just stay on top of your sprite and drain your full health in less than a second, but it also is nowhere near as unfair as I initially thought. Exploring is fun and it's satisfying to be able to stock up more lives and hold onto them. At first I thought the excessive amount of 1ups was a countermeasure against unfair and overly punishing level design and enemy placement, but you absolutely can survive without losing a life with a mixture of caution and good reflexes. World 4, while amazing in terms of atmosphere and body horror, is definitely the weakest part gameplay wise with lots of glitches (I actually softlocked myself here on my first attempt) and obtuse level design. Highlight for me on the other hand is probably World 3, the jetpack sections being a fun change of pace that doesn't feel too out of place with the gameplay of the rest of the game. And of course, the soundtrack absolutely slaps, as everyone agrees on.
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pasquale 2022-11-08
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (4) (10/10)
Shootem-up action in a platform game, excellent graphics and wide weaponry selection. I Turrican - Amiga Game Review (5) the exploration part: 300 diamonds spread along 13 levels, five different worlds. Thank to the Lemon Amiga play guide I easily managed to completed it. I learnt where to find lot of extra lives, use mines on spiders, grenade on guardians, etc. Overall the gameplay is fantastic, probably one of the best game on the Amiga! Turrican - Amiga Game Review (6)
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Whistler 616 2022-11-08
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (7) (4/10)
Terrible and disgusting hard difficulty, it just tries to be a game that seems to be amazing for its music and graphics, but its terrible gameplay and difficulty this is not enjoyable.
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lifeschool 2022-09-11
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (8) (9/10)
Spent ages playing this on the C64 and then the Amiga, and finding the secrets. It was a rewarding game back in the day. Today I feel the Aliens levels rob away too many lives, and the wandering around those levels is quite dull, and spoils what could have been perfect. Still 9/10.
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john4p 2022-02-08
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (9) (10/10)
The second best Amiga game.
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Amy-Mor 2021-04-29
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (10) (8/10)
The scent of a fantastic adventure in a science fiction world, the heart of a shooter, the soul of the platformer. An immortal game that has been able to fascinate entire generations and will continue to do so for those to come. Simply to play and finish for those who love to label themselves true gamers, simply sublime. Perhaps the only flaw that I still complain about today is an ALIEN themed level that is too dispersive and punitive in contrast to the rest of the game, balanced and playable.
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JudasPriest 2020-01-04
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (11) (9/10)
Excellent platform game, where you have to shoot everything that moves. Excellent weapons, I loved the laser the first time I saw it.
The music is unforgettable, excellent graphics and colors, as well as the atmosphere. Just a little short...
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DisMoi5 2018-12-09
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (12) (10/10)
This game sin simply FANTASTIC! My favourite ever! Perfectly done, music, graphics, payability... Everything in this game is authentic and unforgettable! The intro is the best of all!!
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Juanma 2016-10-31
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (13) (10/10)
Turrican is a platform shooter that combines pleasing graphics, excellent music and outstanding gameplay. No other game at the time delivered so many secrets, massive firepower and huge levels; Turrican II would surpass it a year later, but even then the gap was minor.
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PopoCop 2016-09-21
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (14) (8/10)
Turrican is still a very playable game. It may seem a little too hard at the beginning but later, when you discover many places with bonuses and extra lives, it will be much easier. I'm not the best player in the world but I managed to complete Turrican without cheating.
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tertronostalgic 2016-07-25
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (15) (8/10)
The first great shooting game to appear on the Amiga, maybe a bit too easy, but supremely playable and addictive all the same with lots of great weapons.
Disappointingly it lacked some of the special effects of the original C64 version such as shimmering diamonds, swirling waterpools, parallax scrolling and the way the hero materializes in a cloud of atoms...... But made up for it with super smooth scrolling, lots of great music and better graphics. A top notch blast Turrican - Amiga Game Review (16)
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Dottor_Psycho 2016-04-16
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (17) (9/10)
Turrican is a masterpiece that gives unfading fame to names like Manfred Trenz, Chris Huelsbeck and Factor 5. An instant classic at release, it raised a very high bar for action computer games. Despite its C64 origins (it is fantastic there too), it has managed to become one of the most iconic games of the Amiga. On the Commodore 16-bit it has found an even smoother and more polished visual presentation and a musical score that is nothing less than epic. The game has aged gracefully and even after decades it has a great replayability value, the exploration-based run and gun gameplay still being very enjoyable, challenging and addictive. Honestly, I think that its alleged japanese inspirations or influences (Metroid, Psycho-Nics Oscar, Xain'd Sleena and the less mentioned Thexder) can only pale in comparison. Turrican is one of the very best action games ever and it is, unsurprisingly, best played on the Amiga (9/10).
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Zioalareloaded 2015-10-27
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (18) (10/10)
My third game for amiga many many years ago, it was love at first sight. Exploration....Fight....many weapons...Jetpack and lots of enemies! Perfecting my game-technique was able to finish losing a handful of lives and about 80 lives left. Shoot or die one more time!
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Wizallax 2015-06-20
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (19) (10/10)
I adore this game. Everything about it is awesome. In my opinion it has the best music of any Amiga game, especially the haunting piece that starts on level two. As you are falling down the tunnel and start fighting Alien type face-huggers crawling along the ground. Graphics are great. And gameplay is superb. I've played Turrican 2 recently as well but will always love this one more if for no other reason then nostagia.
Ahhhhh to be a teenager again. I would have spent more time playing Turrican if I could have my time over again. Turrican - Amiga Game Review (20) Turrican - Amiga Game Review (21)
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sepp 2013-12-11
Check out the music on CD:
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stealth 2012-09-03
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (22) (10/10)
Have there been any comparable games at that time on any other platform?!? No! Turrican - Amiga Game Review (23)
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akabei 2012-05-17
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (24) (9/10)
The only reason why this one only gets 9 of 10 by me, believe it or not, Turrican 2 is even better. This once was a good example, what the C64 was able to run and astonishingly, the Amiga version was better. Great sound, great graphics, great gameplay, what more can you expect from a 16-bit game? If there just wouldn't have been Turrican 2, this would be one of the best Amiga games ever produced.
btw: This one is way better than Turrican 3. Factor 5 lost the idea of the game on the conclusion of their trilogy.
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Sodapop 2010-11-14
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (25) (10/10)
A real eye opener for me ! I played the demo and couldn't beleive how good this game was ! I immediately bought it, and never regretted it !!! FANTASTIC !!! ... And the sequel is even better !!!
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Lord_Maletoth 2010-08-19
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (26) (10/10)
Epic and unforgettable, among my favourite Amiga games. Even after completing it, I kept on playing it over and over again, was it not for the pleasure of listening to Chris Hülsbeck's astonishing music. It's probably this game's music that turned me into an electronic sound-addicted!
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habib23q 2010-03-13
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (27) (9/10)
Excellent game but like the sequel the c64 version was more impressive considering the limited specs..
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Karter 2010-03-06
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (28) (10/10)
This indeed is more like a rip-off of Metroid for the nintendo- not an arcade. But it is one of the greatest titles for the amiga and the c64. 10 points.
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Arsace 2010-02-25
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (29) (10/10)
Inspiration is the word, not rip-off, dont exagerate the words, the same manfred trenz sayd somewhere he was inspired by that arcade, so no shame...

and the game Turrican is 10X better than the arcade he was inspired, also i personally find that the game is more inspired from the arcade Xain'd sleena than from Psycho-nics, but that is more subjective.

Turrican reign just supreme over the arcades that could have inspired it.
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Kodoichi 2010-01-31
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (30) (6/10)
A shame that it obviously ripped off a lot of elements from the arcade game Psycho-Nics Oscar... Completely unoriginal.
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Hollywood_Haggar 2009-12-02
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (31) (9/10)
A true classic, I agree and sorry about this "off topic" message but.....Spectrum version was sooooooo cute!!!!! The zx spectrum +2 (grey one) was my machine when I was a chidl and this one made me feel real good playing and playing and playing......

When I discovered the amiga version I said "better but not as much as other times" Take a look to the spectrum vresion please.
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arrow_1987 2009-11-09
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (32) (10/10)
Just a true classic...just like Turrican II. TIII is also good, but never as great as the first two games.
well what can i say? Most things have most likely already been said. The bosses are great, the graphics...and of course the music. Chris Hülsbeck was THE music-god on amiga. Especially the songs of stage 1 & 2 on Level 2. They're breathtaking.
And no, for me it's not overrated.
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Dan Locke 2009-10-12
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (33) (4/10)
I never liked this one nearly as much as the sequel. The level designs are much less fair, the enemies pop out of nowhere and disappear when they leave the screen, and the gyro can only be used three times. The graphics have the same level of graininess and garishness as the sequel's, but they don't even have the sequel's good design. The music is also inferior.

And I know that it's supposed to be better on the C64, as that was its original platform, but I think that it manages to be even worse. It's certainly buggier.

It's nice that Manfred Trenz learned from his mistakes with this game and fixed them in Turrican II, which is one of my favorite games of all time.

Oh, and to all who complain about how Turrican "plagiarizes" everything from Metroid to Xain'd Sleena to Psycho-Nics Oscar, the only thing that any of the games have in common is the incredibly unique, inimitable idea of putting a gun and power-ups in a platform game.
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jonttu 2009-08-24
What a top game! Turrican - Amiga Game Review (34) Everything is so right with this game: lots of action, good graphics, fantastic soundtrack, darkish atmosphere! It is saying a lot that T2 was my favourite for a long time, but when I tried T1, it became my new favourite Turrican, and now T2 comes second. Turrican - Amiga Game Review (35)

Anyway, 10/10 for this one! Turrican - Amiga Game Review (36)
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Dim001 2009-06-23
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (37) (10/10)
I remember everybody got mad when turrican was released, it was an incredible shoot'em up! So are the second and third ones.
The intro music was excellent and you were like playing an arcade game. As good as any console shoot'em up to me
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jesus 666 2009-06-23
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (38) (6/10)
Great for an 8-bit game on the old C64 but a bit pathetic and outdated on the Amiga, it's got the same 8-bit gameplay and only slightly better graphics.
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Shawn Dimery 2008-07-12
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (39) (8/10)
Anyone remember Universal Soldier on the Gameboy? It copied half the levels indentically! The same bosses n all! This is a very good game though.
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klx300r 2008-06-12
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (40) (10/10)
Awesome game! Great controls and graphics as scrollers go
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tertronostalgic 2008-03-22
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (41) (8/10)
Incredibly playable. The vertically scrolling shoot-em-up bits are the best part of the game. A bit too easy though... Turrican - Amiga Game Review (42)
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Kodoichi 2008-01-01
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (43) (6/10)
The titlescreen is a redrawn cover of a Manowar album.
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sepp 2007-11-17
I had the Amiga version before I got the C64 version. Manfred Trenz really knows the 8-bit machine, but IMHO the Amiga version had the best playability. The ST version had (almost) the same graphics as the Amiga version, but the scrolling of the C64 version and the sounds were very similar to those coming from the internal speaker of a PC.
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Kim Lemon 2007-07-18
There is a PC remake of this game named Hurrican: [www]
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amigamer 2007-06-28
Welcome to turrican!
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Graham Humphrey 2007-05-31
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (44) (5/10)
For me this game is very overrated. Sure, technically it's great but it's far too bland and characterless, and the levels are sprawling, unfocussed and dull. It might be extremely polished but I don't find this much fun to play.
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Bolch 2007-05-18
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (45) (9/10)
I played it many times on C-64 and now I completed the - almost identical - Amiga version. I must say that this is a great opening of the Turrican series and a highly enjoyable action/platformer game. In fact, the best part of the gameplay is not the action (it's mostly average) but the HUGE levels and the joy of exploring new and hidder areas. The game is challenging, but if you carefully search the maps, you can find an amazing number of extra lives and other goodies, so it can be completed relatively easily. The graphic is juicy, the music is awesome (though the sequel surpasses it by far), and the level design is admirable... Except for World 4, which is full of annoying enemies, overlong levels and almost no power-ups. My only complaint is that the boss-fights are quite uninspired, but it's only a minor flaw (and the programmers fixed it in the sequel, too). Still, it's a must for every action- and Amiga-lover!
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Yure 2007-05-07
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (46) (8/10)
Great action platform game. Milestone in its genere.
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Kai 2007-03-02
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (47) (9/10)
Excellent action game offering tons of fun. Only surpassed by the sequel. (88%)
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lux 2006-11-10
Manfred Trenz masterpiece on Amiga. Nothing more nothing less, plus Chris Huelsback soundtrack.
Do you need something else? I don't think so, just GO and PLAY 'till the end.
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Laffer 2006-10-20
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (48) (9/10)
Wonderful game in a wonderful series. Great gameplay and music.
However, it lacks challenge as you get way too many lives and also I think the fourth world is pretty bad.
Even so it's a fantastic game and I give it 9/10.
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witchdoktor 2006-10-09
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (49) (10/10)
Amazing game! Masterpiece advert & box graphics by Celal Kandemiroglu.
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Arsace 2006-07-14
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (50) (10/10)
Turrican was the first real arcade-platform I saw on Amiga and I still can remember the excitement I felt the first time played it. I never had this kind of excitement after that, and when I think about the second level graphic/music a sort of melancholy takes me...
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bVork 2006-06-27
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (51) (8/10)
A very good game, but completely overshadowed by its superior sequel. It's still worth playing, especially if you want more Turrican but have completely memorized Turrican 2.
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Acid303 2006-05-10
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (52) (9/10)
One of the best platform/shooter the Amiga ever had. I really love this game. Turrican - Amiga Game Review (53)
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MOG 2006-05-02
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (54) (9/10)
Turrican is Amiga ...
Halleluja !
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Guybrush Threepwood 2006-03-03
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (55) (10/10)
A king amongst kings in regards to shoot em ups on the Amiga, nice GFX, great music and a good game to play
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Markus 2006-02-19
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (56) (8/10)
Great game, but really isn’t it a bit too easy? If you explore the levels there are loads of extra lives to be found so when you reach the harder levels you have lots and lots of lives so it doesn’t really matter that you die quite often.
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stooart 2005-12-03
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (57) (9/10)
Now we're talking my language! This for me is one of my all time favourites (and the sequel!) on the Amiga and commy 64! Superb level design, really solid graphics and gameplay in truck loads! This was sore neck territory for me as I sat in front of it so long! They just don't make them like this anymore! Turrican - Amiga Game Review (58) Turrican - Amiga Game Review (59) Turrican - Amiga Game Review (60) Turrican - Amiga Game Review (61)
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ColinP 2005-07-16
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (62) (10/10)
What can I say...great game!
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cavy59 2005-04-18
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (63) (10/10)
10/10. Great GFX, great music, great fun to play. Where did all my weekends go and how did I miss so much homework??
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gizmo1990 2005-02-28
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (64) (10/10)
A superb, huge game. Vibrant colourful graphics and impressive, memorable tunes to blast along to. A technical tour de force and Factor 5 at their very best.
Tip - Pay attention to the rear box art if you get lost. The game world mimics the layout of the fortress shown there.
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Kriko 2005-02-12
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (65) (9/10)
Very good platform/shoot'em up action especially memorable for its soundtrack. This was the closest thing to console games the C64/Amiga had. The sequel is even better.
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TWR 2004-12-27
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (66) (7/10)
Not the big thing as it wass on the C64 but still a very good game.
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steef-online 2004-12-16
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (67) (10/10)
In my top 10 list this game is present. Or actually the sequel, but this first in the series is right behind its successor. This game is by far the best platform-shooter ever made. The graphics are very good and the soundtrack... Well, is unbelievable! Chris Hülsbeck at his very best! The level-maps are very large and every time I played this game I found new secret caves and rooms. The action is very well balanced and the number of weapons you can use is large! You find power-ups and new weapons along the way, but you also have other tricks at you disposal like a ray-gun and the ability to turn into a pointy ball going wild, killing every thing you touch. In every level as well as at the end of every level there are some big bad meanies to destroy. This game has everything a shooter should have and add up one of the best music scores in ANY game and you have an absolute winner!

Graphics: 8/10
Sound: 10/10
Playability: 10/10

Overall: 10/10 Turrican - Amiga Game Review (68)
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Predseda 2004-12-07
Turrican - Amiga Game Review (69) (8/10)
Not as good as its sequel, but great game as well. Soundtrack is fantastic, and as well as that it Turrican 2, it is the main part of the game, more important than anything else.
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Turrican - Amiga Game Review (2024)


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